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button Journal Articles
button Yoon,Y, 2023, "Recent Trends in the Application of Extreme Learning Machines for Online Time Series Data," The Journal of the Bigdata, Vol.8, No.2, pp.15~25.
button Yoon,Y.,et al., 2019, "Analysis of time series to support decision making on V2G using energt consumption data," Journal of the The Korean Data and Information Science Society, Vol.30, No.2, pp.401~414.
button Yoon,Y.,et al., 2018, "Comparison of the performance of classification algorithms using cytotoxicity data," The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol.31, No.3, pp.417~426.
button Yoon,Y.,et al., 2017, "Forecasting Algorithm Using an Improved Genetic Algorithm based on Backpropagation Neural Network Model," Journal of the The Korean Data and Information Science Society, Vol.28, No.6, pp.1327~1336.
button Yoon,Y.,et al., 2015, "A Study on Small Business Forecasting Models and Indexes," The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol.28, No.1, pp.103~114.
button Yoon,Y.,Lee.S., 2013, "A Comparison of the Effects of Optimization Learning Rates Using a Modified Learning Process for Generalized Neural Network," The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol.26, No.5, pp.847~856.
button Yoon,Y, 2012, "A Comparison on the Learning Effects Using GA Optimized Neural Networks," Proceedings of the 39th KIISE Fall Conference, The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Vol.39, No.2(B), pp.225~227.
button Yoon,Y, 2011, "A Comparison of Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average and Artificial Neural Network for Time Series Prediction," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.18, No.2, pp.1516~1519.
button Yoon,Y, 2010, "Time Series Forecasting Based On Genetic Neural Network," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.17, No.1, pp.1106~1108.
button Yoon,Y, 2008, "A Learning Using GA Optimized Neural Networks," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.15, No.2, pp.27~29.
button Yoon,Y, 2008, "A Comparison of the Factor Effects Using a Modified Learning Algorithm," Proceedings of the 35th KIISE Fall Conference, The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Vol.35, No.2(C), pp.272~276.
button Yoon,Y, 2005, "A Comparison on the Learning Effect Using a Modified Genetic and Backpropagation Algorithm," Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE'05), St.Louis, MO, pp.151~156.
button Yoon,Y., 2005, A Comparison on the Learning Effect Using a Modified Genetic and Backpropagation Algorithm in: C.H.Dagli, A.L.Buczak, M.J.Embrechts, O.Ersoy and D.L.Enke (Eds.): Smart Engineering System Design: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Programming, Data Mining and Complex Syatems, Vol. 15, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME Press Series), New York, pp.151~156.
button Yoon,Y., 2005, "The Joint Effect of Factors on Generalization Performance of Neural Network Learning Precedure," The KIPS Transactions: Part B, Vol.12-B, No.3, pp.343~348.
button Yoon,Y, 2005, "A Comparison on the Learning Effect of Simulated Nonlinear Data Using a Modified Genetic and Backpropagation Algorithm," Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress, KISS, Vol.32, No.1(B), pp.694~696.
button Yoon,Y, 2005, "A Learning Effect Using the Neural Network Controller Based on Genetic Algorithms," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.12, No.1, pp.477~480.
button Yoon,Y., 2004, "Comparison of the Factors Controlling Effects at MLP Networks," Journal of KISS, Vol.31, No.5, pp.537~542.
button Yoon,Y, 2004, "The Effect of Initial Weight, Learning Rate and Regularized Coefficient on Generalization Performance," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.11, No.2, pp.493~496.
button Yoon,Y, 2004, "A Modified Learning Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks," Proceedings of the KISS Fall Conference, Vol.31, No.2, pp.217~219.
button Yoon,Y, 2003, "A Visualized Initial Weights Selecting for Feedforward Networks,"Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE'03), St.Louis, MO, pp.133~138.
button Yoon,Y., 2003, A Visualized Initial Weights Selecting for Feedforward Networks in: C.H.Dagli, A.L.Buczak, J.Ghosh, M.J.Embrechts, O.Ersoy and S.Kercel (Eds.): Smart Engineering System Design: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Programming, Data Mining and Complex Syatems, Vol. 13, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME Press Series), New York, pp.133-138.
button Yoon,Y, 2003, "On the Factors Controlling Effects at MLP Networks," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.10, No.1, pp.337~340.
button Yoon,Y., 2001, "An Improved Learning Process of Simple Neural Networks Using the Controller Box," Journal of KISS, Vol.28, No.4, pp.338~345.
button Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 2000, "On-line Testing and Evaluation System on the Web," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.7, No.1, app.1~4.
button Yoon,Y., 1999, "Measurment of Association of Categorical Data Using the Overlapped Mosaic Plot: Dynamic Graphics Approach for 2X2 Contingency Table," Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society, Vol.10, No.2, pp.457~464.
button Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999, "Public Opinion Survey System on the Web," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.6, No.2, app.21~24.
button Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999, "Graphics Approach for Categorical Data Analysis System on the Web," Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Education (ICITCE'99).
button Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999, "웹을 이용한 인터넷 학습교재의 활용," 한국통계학회 추계 학술발표회 논문집, pp.210~214.
button Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999, "인터넷 여론조사시스템의 구현," 한국데이터정보과학회 추계학술발표회논문집, pp.76~80.
button Yoon,Y., et al., 1999, "인터넷 여론조사시스템," 한국통계학회 학술발표논문집, pp.29~34.
button Yoon,Y., 1998, "Short Term Time Series Forecasting Using the Simple Recurrent Model," The Korean Communications in Statistics, Vol.5, No.3, The Korean Statistical Society, pp.599~605.
button Yoon,Y., Lee,S.D., 1998, "A Time Series Forecasting Using Neural Network by Modified Adaptive Learning Rates and Initial Values," The KIPS Transactions: Part B, Vol.5-B, No.10, pp.2609~2614.
button Yoon,Y., et al., 1998, "시계열모형에서 계절성에 대한 검정통계량들의 비교," The Korean Communications in Statistics, Vol.5, No.1, The Korean Statistical Society, pp.43~53.
button Yoon,Y., et al., 1998, "그림을 이용한 범주형자료의 연관성측정," 산경논총, Vol.17, pp.23~28.
button Yoon,Y., 1998, "컴퓨터바이러스의 현황과 대책," 전북교육, Vol.17, pp.6~12.
button Yoon,Y., et al , "Statistical Graphics on the Web," J. of Woosuk University, Vol.20, pp.149~155.
button Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1997, "Association Measurement Analysis of Categorical Data on the Web," J. of Woosuk University, Vol.19, pp.427~433.
button Yoon,Y.,Huh,M.Y., 1997, "Time series data analysis by neural networks,"The Korean Communications in Statistics, Vol.4, No.1, The Korean Statistical Society, pp.91 ~99.
button Yoon,Y., 1996, "Time series forecasting using neural networks vs. Box-Jenkins methodology," J. of Woosuk University, Vol.18, pp.337 ~346.
button Yoon,Y., 1996, "A modified learning process of neural network," The Statistical Review, Vol.4, Research Institute of Applied Statistics, SungKyunKwan University, pp.87~96.
button Yoon,Y., Huh,M.Y., 1996, "Time Series Using the Neural network," Statistics and Neural Networks, Korean Information Science Society, pp.49~69.
button Yoon,Y., 1996, "신경망의 개선된 학습방법: ARMA자료를 중심으로," 한국통계학회 호남제주지회 하계학술논문발표회, 전남대학교.
button Yoon,Y., Huh, M., 1996, "시계열자료에서 신경망의 적용," 한국과학기술원 인공지능연구센타/한국정보과학회 뉴로컴퓨팅연구회/한국통계학회 통계계산연구회 주최 공동 워크샵, 연세대학교 소프트웨어응용연구소 주관.
button Yoon,Y., 1995, "Neural networks approach for time series data," Ph.D, The Graduate School of SungKyunKwan University.
button Yoon,Y., 1992, "PES: A design of palmistry expert system," Su Seon Bulletin, The Graduate School of SungKyunKwan University, Vol.17, pp.109-120
button Yoon,Y., 1989, "Expert system approach for the palmistry," M.S, The Graduate School of SungKyunKwan University.
button Proceedings
button Yoon,Y, 2012, "A Comparison on the Learning Effects Using GA Optimized Neural Networks," Proceedings of the 39th KIISE Fall Conference, The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Vol.39, No.2(B), pp.225~227.
button Yoon,Y, 2011, "A Comparison of Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average and Artificial Neural Network for Time Series Prediction," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.18, No.2, pp.1516~1519.
button Yoon,Y, 2010, "Time Series Forecasting Based On Genetic Neural Network," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.17, No.1, pp.1106~1108.
button Yoon,Y, 2008, "A Learning Using GA Optimized Neural Networks," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.15, No.2, pp.27~29.
button Yoon,Y, 2008, "A Comparison of the Factor Effects Using a Modified Learning Algorithm," Proceedings of the 35th KIISE Fall Conference, The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Vol.35, No.2(C), pp.272~276.
button Yoon,Y, 2005, "A Comparison on the Learning Effect Using a Modified Genetic and Backpropagation Algorithm," Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE'05), St.Louis, MO, pp.151~156.
button Yoon,Y, 2005, "A Comparison on the Learning Effect of Simulated Nonlinear Data Using a Modified Genetic and Backpropagation Algorithm," Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress, KISS, Vol.32, No.1(B), pp.694~696.
button Yoon,Y, 2005, "A Learning Effect Using the Neural Network Controller Based on Genetic Algorithms," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.12, No.1, pp.477~480.
button Yoon,Y, 2004, "The Effect of Initial Weight, Learning Rate and Regularized Coefficient on Generalization Performance," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.11, No.2, pp.493~496.
button Yoon,Y, 2004, "A Modified Learning Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks," Proceedings of the KISS Fall Conference, Vol.31, No.2, pp.217~219.
button Yoon,Y, 2003, "A Visualized Initial Weights Selecting for Feedforward Networks,"Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE'03), St.Louis, MO, pp.133~138.
button Yoon,Y, 2003, "On the Factors Controlling Effects at MLP Networks," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.10, No.1, pp.337~340.
button Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 2000, "On-line Testing and Evaluation System on the Web," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.7, No.1, app.1~4.
button Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999, "Public Opinion Survey System on the Web," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.6, No.2, app.21~24.
button Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999, "Graphics Approach for Categorical Data Analysis System on the Web," Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Education (ICITCE'99).
button Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999, "웹을 이용한 인터넷 학습교재의 활용," 한국통계학회 추계 학술발표회 논문집, pp.210~214.
button Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999, "인터넷 여론조사시스템의 구현," 한국데이터정보과학회 추계학술발표회논문집, pp.76~80.
button Yoon,Y., et al., 1999, "인터넷 여론조사시스템," 한국통계학회 학술발표논문집, pp.29~34.
button Yoon,Y., 1996, "신경망의 개선된 학습방법: ARMA자료를 중심으로," 한국통계학회 호남제주지회 하계학술논문발표회, 전남대학교.
button Yoon,Y., Huh, M., 1996, "시계열자료에서 신경망의 적용," 한국과학기술원 인공지능연구센타/한국정보과학회 뉴로컴퓨팅연구회/한국통계학회 통계계산연구회 주최 공동 워크샵, 연세대학교 소프트웨어응용연구소 주관.
button Workshop
button Yoon,Y., 2003, "통계학에서 LINUX의 활용," 성균관대학교 응용통계연구소.
button Yoon,Y., 1998, "순환신경망모형을 이용한 단기 시계열예측," 자연과학대학, 충북대학교.
button Yoon,Y., 1998, "비선형시계열모형의 동질성검정및 예측," 전산통계학술세미나, 기초및 자연과학연구소, 우석대학교.
button Yoon,Y., 1998, "공간자료에 대한 예측방법의 동적 그래픽스 접근," 충북대학교 통계학과 주최.
button Yoon,Y., 1998, "신경망과 시계열분석," 충북대학교 통계학과 주최.
button Yoon,Y., 1996, "Neural Network을 이용한 시계열해석," 전북대학교 통계학과 주최.
button Yoon,Y., 1995, "시계열모형에서 신경망이론의 적용과 통계적방법의 효율성 비교," 성균관대학교 응용통계연구소 주최.
button Books
button Yoon,Y., et al., 2007, 컴퓨터 활용, 도서출판 기한재.
button Yoon,Y., 1998, 최신 실용 인터넷, 다성출판사.
button Yoon,Y., 1998, 실용 인터넷, 이한출판사.
button Yoon,Y., 1994, 자료구조, 정익사.
button Contributions
button Yoon,Y., 2008, 대중매체와 정보통신, 다문화사회 전문가 양성과정.
button Yoon,Y., 2003, 정보격차 줄이자<상> 노인-장애인의 소외, 건강한 인터넷, 동아일보, 2003-08-18.
button Yoon,Y., 2001, 정보사회의소외계층 : 컴맹과 필맹의 조화로운 해결책은 없는가?, 시론, 우석대신문, 제371호.
button Yoon,Y., 1998, 인터넷과 통신2 : 전자우편을 자유자재로 사용하는 방법, 기획시리즈, 우석대신문, 제281호.
button Yoon,Y., 1998, 인터넷과 통신1 : 컴퓨터통신과 전화통화를 동시에, 기획시리즈, 우석대신문, 제280호.
button Yoon,Y., 1998, PC의 이해 2 : 커진 S/W 고려해 파티션 넉넉히 해야 , 기획시리즈, 우석대신문, 제279호.
button Yoon,Y., 1998, PC의 이해 1 : 정보화시대의 정보획득도구 PC, 기획시리즈, 우석대신문, 제278호.
button Yoon,Y., 1997, PC 선택의 기준, 교수논단, 우석대신문, 제275호.
button Yoon,Y., 1996, 컴퓨터의 발전방향 : 컴퓨터는 정보기기인가 가전제품인가, 교수논단,우석대신문, 제258호.

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