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Journal Articles
- Yoon,Y, 2023,
"Recent Trends in the Application of Extreme Learning Machines for Online Time Series Data," The Journal of the Bigdata, Vol.8, No.2, pp.15~25.
- Yoon,Y.,et al., 2019,
"Analysis of time series to support decision making on V2G using energt consumption data," Journal of the The Korean Data and Information Science Society, Vol.30, No.2, pp.401~414.
- Yoon,Y.,et al., 2018,
"Comparison of the performance of classification algorithms using cytotoxicity data," The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol.31, No.3, pp.417~426.
- Yoon,Y.,et al., 2017,
"Forecasting Algorithm Using an Improved Genetic Algorithm based on Backpropagation Neural Network Model," Journal of the The Korean Data and Information Science Society, Vol.28, No.6, pp.1327~1336.
- Yoon,Y.,et al., 2015,
"A Study on Small Business Forecasting Models and Indexes," The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol.28, No.1, pp.103~114.
- Yoon,Y.,Lee.S., 2013,
"A Comparison of the Effects of Optimization Learning Rates Using a Modified Learning Process for Generalized Neural Network," The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol.26, No.5, pp.847~856.
- Yoon,Y, 2012,
"A Comparison on the Learning Effects Using GA Optimized Neural Networks," Proceedings of the 39th KIISE Fall Conference, The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Vol.39, No.2(B), pp.225~227.
- Yoon,Y, 2011,
"A Comparison of Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average and Artificial Neural Network for Time Series Prediction," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.18, No.2, pp.1516~1519.
- Yoon,Y, 2010,
"Time Series Forecasting Based On Genetic Neural Network," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.17, No.1, pp.1106~1108.
- Yoon,Y, 2008,
"A Learning Using GA Optimized Neural Networks," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.15, No.2, pp.27~29.
- Yoon,Y, 2008,
"A Comparison of the Factor Effects Using a Modified Learning Algorithm," Proceedings of the 35th KIISE Fall Conference, The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Vol.35, No.2(C), pp.272~276.
- Yoon,Y, 2005,
"A Comparison on the Learning Effect Using a Modified Genetic and Backpropagation Algorithm," Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE'05), St.Louis, MO, pp.151~156.
- Yoon,Y., 2005,
A Comparison on the Learning Effect Using a Modified Genetic and Backpropagation Algorithm in: C.H.Dagli, A.L.Buczak, M.J.Embrechts, O.Ersoy and D.L.Enke (Eds.): Smart Engineering System Design: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Programming,
Data Mining and Complex Syatems, Vol. 15, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME Press Series), New York, pp.151~156.
- Yoon,Y., 2005,
"The Joint Effect of Factors on Generalization Performance of Neural Network Learning Precedure," The KIPS Transactions: Part B, Vol.12-B, No.3, pp.343~348.
- Yoon,Y, 2005,
"A Comparison on the Learning Effect of Simulated Nonlinear Data Using a Modified Genetic and Backpropagation Algorithm," Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress, KISS, Vol.32, No.1(B), pp.694~696.
- Yoon,Y, 2005,
"A Learning Effect Using the Neural Network Controller Based on Genetic Algorithms," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.12, No.1, pp.477~480.
- Yoon,Y., 2004,
"Comparison of the Factors Controlling Effects at MLP Networks," Journal of KISS, Vol.31, No.5, pp.537~542.
- Yoon,Y, 2004,
"The Effect of Initial Weight, Learning Rate and Regularized Coefficient on Generalization Performance," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.11, No.2, pp.493~496.
- Yoon,Y, 2004,
"A Modified Learning Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks," Proceedings of the KISS Fall Conference, Vol.31, No.2, pp.217~219.
- Yoon,Y, 2003,
"A Visualized Initial Weights Selecting for Feedforward Networks,"Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE'03), St.Louis, MO, pp.133~138.
- Yoon,Y., 2003,
A Visualized Initial Weights Selecting for Feedforward Networks in: C.H.Dagli, A.L.Buczak, J.Ghosh, M.J.Embrechts, O.Ersoy and S.Kercel (Eds.): Smart Engineering System Design: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Programming,
Data Mining and Complex Syatems, Vol. 13, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME Press Series), New York, pp.133-138.
- Yoon,Y, 2003,
"On the Factors Controlling Effects at MLP Networks," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.10, No.1, pp.337~340.
- Yoon,Y., 2001,
"An Improved Learning Process of Simple Neural Networks Using the Controller Box," Journal of KISS, Vol.28, No.4, pp.338~345.
- Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 2000,
"On-line Testing and Evaluation System on the Web," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.7, No.1, app.1~4.
- Yoon,Y., 1999,
"Measurment of Association of Categorical Data Using the Overlapped Mosaic Plot: Dynamic Graphics Approach for 2X2 Contingency Table," Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society, Vol.10, No.2, pp.457~464.
- Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999,
"Public Opinion Survey System on the Web," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.6, No.2, app.21~24.
- Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999, "Graphics Approach for Categorical Data Analysis System on the Web," Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Education (ICITCE'99).
- Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999,
"웹을 이용한 인터넷 학습교재의 활용," 한국통계학회 추계 학술발표회 논문집, pp.210~214.
- Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999,
"인터넷 여론조사시스템의 구현," 한국데이터정보과학회 추계학술발표회논문집, pp.76~80.
- Yoon,Y., et al., 1999,
"인터넷 여론조사시스템," 한국통계학회 학술발표논문집, pp.29~34.
- Yoon,Y., 1998,
"Short Term Time Series Forecasting Using the Simple Recurrent Model," The Korean Communications in Statistics, Vol.5, No.3, The Korean Statistical Society, pp.599~605.
- Yoon,Y., Lee,S.D., 1998,
"A Time Series Forecasting Using Neural Network by Modified Adaptive Learning Rates and Initial Values," The KIPS Transactions: Part B, Vol.5-B, No.10, pp.2609~2614.
- Yoon,Y., et al., 1998,
"시계열모형에서 계절성에 대한 검정통계량들의 비교," The Korean Communications in Statistics, Vol.5, No.1, The Korean Statistical Society, pp.43~53.
- Yoon,Y., et al., 1998,
"그림을 이용한 범주형자료의 연관성측정," 산경논총, Vol.17, pp.23~28.
- Yoon,Y., 1998,
"컴퓨터바이러스의 현황과 대책," 전북교육, Vol.17, pp.6~12.
- Yoon,Y., et al ,
"Statistical Graphics on the Web," J. of Woosuk University, Vol.20, pp.149~155.
- Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1997, "Association Measurement Analysis of Categorical Data on the Web," J. of Woosuk University, Vol.19, pp.427~433.
- Yoon,Y.,Huh,M.Y., 1997, "Time series data analysis by neural networks,"The Korean Communications in Statistics, Vol.4, No.1, The Korean Statistical Society, pp.91 ~99.
- Yoon,Y., 1996, "Time series forecasting using neural networks vs. Box-Jenkins methodology," J. of Woosuk University, Vol.18, pp.337 ~346.
- Yoon,Y., 1996, "A modified learning process of neural network," The Statistical Review, Vol.4, Research Institute of Applied Statistics, SungKyunKwan University, pp.87~96.
- Yoon,Y., Huh,M.Y., 1996, "Time Series Using the Neural network," Statistics and Neural Networks, Korean Information Science Society, pp.49~69.
- Yoon,Y., 1996, "신경망의 개선된 학습방법: ARMA자료를 중심으로," 한국통계학회 호남제주지회 하계학술논문발표회, 전남대학교.
- Yoon,Y., Huh, M., 1996, "시계열자료에서 신경망의 적용," 한국과학기술원 인공지능연구센타/한국정보과학회 뉴로컴퓨팅연구회/한국통계학회 통계계산연구회 주최 공동 워크샵, 연세대학교 소프트웨어응용연구소 주관.
- Yoon,Y., 1995, "Neural networks approach for time series data," Ph.D, The Graduate School of SungKyunKwan University.
- Yoon,Y., 1992, "PES: A design of palmistry expert system," Su Seon Bulletin, The Graduate School of SungKyunKwan University, Vol.17, pp.109-120
- Yoon,Y., 1989, "Expert system approach for the palmistry," M.S, The Graduate School of SungKyunKwan University.
- Yoon,Y, 2012,
"A Comparison on the Learning Effects Using GA Optimized Neural Networks," Proceedings of the 39th KIISE Fall Conference, The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Vol.39, No.2(B), pp.225~227.
- Yoon,Y, 2011,
"A Comparison of Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average and Artificial Neural Network for Time Series Prediction," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.18, No.2, pp.1516~1519.
- Yoon,Y, 2010,
"Time Series Forecasting Based On Genetic Neural Network," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.17, No.1, pp.1106~1108.
- Yoon,Y, 2008,
"A Learning Using GA Optimized Neural Networks," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.15, No.2, pp.27~29.
- Yoon,Y, 2008,
"A Comparison of the Factor Effects Using a Modified Learning Algorithm," Proceedings of the 35th KIISE Fall Conference, The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Vol.35, No.2(C), pp.272~276.
- Yoon,Y, 2005,
"A Comparison on the Learning Effect Using a Modified Genetic and Backpropagation Algorithm," Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE'05), St.Louis, MO, pp.151~156.
- Yoon,Y, 2005,
"A Comparison on the Learning Effect of Simulated Nonlinear Data Using a Modified Genetic and Backpropagation Algorithm," Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress, KISS, Vol.32, No.1(B), pp.694~696.
- Yoon,Y, 2005,
"A Learning Effect Using the Neural Network Controller Based on Genetic Algorithms," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.12, No.1, pp.477~480.
- Yoon,Y, 2004,
"The Effect of Initial Weight, Learning Rate and Regularized Coefficient on Generalization Performance," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.11, No.2, pp.493~496.
- Yoon,Y, 2004,
"A Modified Learning Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks," Proceedings of the KISS Fall Conference, Vol.31, No.2, pp.217~219.
- Yoon,Y, 2003,
"A Visualized Initial Weights Selecting for Feedforward Networks,"Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE'03), St.Louis, MO, pp.133~138.
- Yoon,Y, 2003,
"On the Factors Controlling Effects at MLP Networks," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.10, No.1, pp.337~340.
- Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 2000,
"On-line Testing and Evaluation System on the Web," Proceedings of the KIPS Spring Conference, Vol.7, No.1, app.1~4.
- Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999,
"Public Opinion Survey System on the Web," Proceedings of the KIPS Fall Conference, Vol.6, No.2, app.21~24.
- Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999, "Graphics Approach for Categorical Data Analysis System on the Web," Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Education (ICITCE'99).
- Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999,
"웹을 이용한 인터넷 학습교재의 활용," 한국통계학회 추계 학술발표회 논문집, pp.210~214.
- Yoon,Y., Oh,M.K., 1999,
"인터넷 여론조사시스템의 구현," 한국데이터정보과학회 추계학술발표회논문집, pp.76~80.
- Yoon,Y., et al., 1999,
"인터넷 여론조사시스템," 한국통계학회 학술발표논문집, pp.29~34.
- Yoon,Y., 1996, "신경망의 개선된 학습방법: ARMA자료를 중심으로," 한국통계학회 호남제주지회 하계학술논문발표회, 전남대학교.
- Yoon,Y., Huh, M., 1996, "시계열자료에서 신경망의 적용," 한국과학기술원 인공지능연구센타/한국정보과학회 뉴로컴퓨팅연구회/한국통계학회 통계계산연구회 주최 공동 워크샵, 연세대학교 소프트웨어응용연구소 주관.
- Yoon,Y., 2003, "통계학에서 LINUX의 활용," 성균관대학교 응용통계연구소.
- Yoon,Y., 1998, "순환신경망모형을 이용한 단기 시계열예측," 자연과학대학, 충북대학교.
- Yoon,Y., 1998, "비선형시계열모형의 동질성검정및 예측," 전산통계학술세미나, 기초및 자연과학연구소, 우석대학교.
- Yoon,Y., 1998, "공간자료에 대한 예측방법의 동적 그래픽스 접근," 충북대학교 통계학과 주최.
- Yoon,Y., 1998, "신경망과 시계열분석," 충북대학교 통계학과 주최.
- Yoon,Y., 1996, "Neural Network을 이용한 시계열해석," 전북대학교 통계학과 주최.
- Yoon,Y., 1995, "시계열모형에서 신경망이론의 적용과 통계적방법의 효율성 비교," 성균관대학교 응용통계연구소 주최.
- Yoon,Y., et al., 2007, 컴퓨터 활용, 도서출판 기한재.
- Yoon,Y., 1998, 최신 실용 인터넷, 다성출판사.
- Yoon,Y., 1998, 실용 인터넷, 이한출판사.
- Yoon,Y., 1994, 자료구조, 정익사.
- Yoon,Y., 2008, 대중매체와 정보통신, 다문화사회 전문가 양성과정.
- Yoon,Y., 2003, 정보격차 줄이자<상> 노인-장애인의 소외, 건강한 인터넷, 동아일보, 2003-08-18.
- Yoon,Y., 2001, 정보사회의소외계층 : 컴맹과 필맹의 조화로운 해결책은 없는가?, 시론, 우석대신문, 제371호.
- Yoon,Y., 1998, 인터넷과 통신2 : 전자우편을 자유자재로 사용하는 방법, 기획시리즈, 우석대신문, 제281호.
- Yoon,Y., 1998, 인터넷과 통신1 : 컴퓨터통신과 전화통화를 동시에, 기획시리즈, 우석대신문, 제280호.
- Yoon,Y., 1998, PC의 이해 2 : 커진 S/W 고려해 파티션 넉넉히 해야 , 기획시리즈, 우석대신문, 제279호.
- Yoon,Y., 1998, PC의 이해 1 : 정보화시대의 정보획득도구 PC, 기획시리즈, 우석대신문, 제278호.
- Yoon,Y., 1997, PC 선택의 기준, 교수논단, 우석대신문, 제275호.
- Yoon,Y., 1996, 컴퓨터의 발전방향 : 컴퓨터는 정보기기인가 가전제품인가, 교수논단,우석대신문, 제258호.
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